Mangrove restoration

General information on the area

The restoration of mangrove ecosystems is vital as they provide potentially scalable and cost-effective natural climate solutions by sequestering carbon in their biomass followed by transferring it to soils and sediments. Along with climate change mitigation, those ecosystems facilitate a variety of ecosystem services including habitats for different species, shoreline stabilization, water purification, provision of seafood, honey, timber, fuelwood, raw materials for fishing equipment, tannins/waxes, and avenues for sustainable ecotourism.

The main goals are to support biodiversity, by mangrove restoration, protect existing mangroves, and create tools to calculate biodiversity-related revenues such as ecotourism, fisheries, voluntary carbon credits, and the potential to meet sustainability goals through restoration initiatives.

  • To support biodiversity, by mangrove restoration in new areas that are resilient to climate change.
  • Provide recommendations for the conservation of existing mangroves in biodiversity hotspots under different climate change scenarios.
  • Create tools to calculate biodiversity-related revenues such as ecotourism, fisheries, voluntary carbon credits, and the potential to meet sustainability goals through restoration initiatives

Contribution/ Donation

Mangroves provide natural infrastructure to help protect nearby populated areas by reducing erosion and absorbing storm surges. Over the last 50 years, this has led to impoverished livelihoods, lower economic growth, declining human security, and a poorer quality of life for local communities and coastal populations.

Join us to help these species stay alive, make a contribution to mangrove conservation, and pursue your donation today!


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